Aquality Water Management on behalf of the Auburn Constructor’s performed the startup and proving of the new McKinleyville Community Services District $12.3 million upgrade of their WWTP to a Biolac activated sludge system.

As the startup company we were responsible for seeding the plant and getting it to perform to its designed standards while working with the design engineers and the equipment manufacturers.

The facility was upgraded from a conventional pond plant to a Biolac activated sludge system. In the upgrade the following was constructed.

  • A completely new headworks and screening system
  • Secondary clarification
  • RAS pumping
  • Biosolids storage basin
  • Plant drain pump station
  • Reclaimed utility water pump station
  • Emergency generator
  • New MCC, workshop and bathroom
  • The Biolac system – pair of aeration basins and blower system
  • Effluent pumping system
  • Effluent gravity flow system

The old pond system was kept in service during the construction and startup phases until the new plant was performing to its designed standards.